
“Building the present we want”


We are driven by the rescue of local knowledge and intergenerational equity to build cities and residential areas low in greenhouse gas emissions. Our initiatives span regions like the Orinoquía, Caribbean and Southern Pacific coastal regions of Colombia.

Climate Change



Through the mainstreaming of education, gender, governance and planning.


To strengthen, unite, create and/or support socio-environmental projects by sustainably managing land, guaranteeing civic involvement and protecting nature. 

To promote gender inclusion through the recognition of often-overlooked voices, like those of women, children, indigenous people, Afro-Colombian people, people in rural areas and people from the LGBTI community.

To develop legal action as well as climate and territorial planning in order to formulate and implement effective actions for the adaptation to and mitigation of climate change in the country’s territories and cities. 

To create campaigns, plans, programs and projects in the sphere of climate change, ecological restoration, green economy, deforestation control, water management, biodiversity conservation and environmental democracy, among others.


Mainstreaming gender equality in all of the initiatives that we create and/or support.

Strengthening projects through the use of innovative tools to achieve global change.

Using legal and political means to effectively influence and monitor projects, plans and campaigns in cities, urban areas and eco-regions. 

Developing communal, cross-sector and cross-institutional interventions to approach potentialities and challenges in the environment. 

Collaborating with other movements and/or organizations that work at the local, national and international level.


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