Carbon Markets
Global Greengrants Fund awarded the Barranquilla+20 foundation a grant that aims to strengthen capacities, provide information, organize dialogue scenarios, research and create tools on carbon markets in Colombia, taking into account the participation and support of indigenous and afro Colombian populations. The aim is to strengthen the knowledge of people from the territories of the Orinoco region, focusing mainly on people from the department of Vichada to make sure they have opportunities to represent our country in national and international scenarios.

National Youth Consultation and Intergenerational Dialogue for Biodiversity
A group of 25 young people from different parts of the country, involved in the Colombian Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN), expressed their priorities to decision-makers as young people concerned about the care of biodiversity which is increasingly threatened by climate change – the most palpable reality of our time.

COP12 and COP13
In light of our work in biodiversity, we have participated in COP12 and COP13 of the Convention on Biological Diversity held in Korea and Mexico, respectively. The Colombian Youth Network for Biodiversity is the national chapter of the Global Youth Network for Biodiversity, the youth commission that is part of the negotiations under the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). This is a global agreement signed by more than 150 government leaders at the 1992 Rio Earth Summit, which promotes global goals that aim to stop the imminent loss of biological diversity in the world. Barranquilla+20 is one of the organizations that integrate GYBN at a global level as part of the Steering Committee and we are also Coordinators of the national chapter called ‘Colombian Youth Network for Biodiversity’.

The Aichi Global Targets in Nariño
The Colombian Youth Network for Biodiversity (of which Barranquilla+20 is a coordinating organization) in articulation with the Government of Nariño and WWF Colombia, invited 45 young people from across the country (Cauca, Tolima, Quindío, Cundinamarca, Magdalena, Atlántico, Putumayo, Antioquia, Nariño, Valle del Cauca, among others) involved in biodiversity and climate action in their departments, to the Colombian Youth Consultation for Biodiversity and the Post 2020 Goals. This meeting was held in the Morar Reserve in Nariño and as a result of this consultation, the National Youth Position on the Aichi and Post 2020 Biodiversity Targets was consolidated.

The Orinoco Adapts
“El Orinoco Se Adapta” (The Orinoco Adapts) is an initiative developed in order to make visible and recognize the impacts and actions on climate change adaptation and mitigation in the Orinoco watershed. This initiative was supported by as part of the actions following the Global Power Shift and was developed by Barranquilla+20 and the Global Warning Agency. With the Orinoco Se Adapta project, a climate change toolkit was created for the Orinoco region (climate action booklet, digital campaign and audiovisual production). This material can be accessed here below, it dealt with initiatives for the conservation of pink dolphins and fish, forest protection, river protection for the Bita River, among others.

For more than 10 years, we have dedicated ourselves to building and working hand in hand with the communities for the protection of our ecosystems.