On the spotlight!
Women For Climate Justice Second (II) Summit in Colombia
MXJC is an initiative committed to the inclusion and active participation of women in the formulation of public policies on climate change since 2021. Our objective is clear, to advocate for gender mainstreaming in such policies, recognizing the fundamental role that women play in the struggle for a sustainable and just future.
#Poderosas has been a success!
We have been able to collect stories of engagement and empowerment, building bridges to real territorial impact. From actively participating in different city-wide spaces dedicated to climate action to strengthening powerful narratives; each step is a contribution to raising awareness about gendered climate justice in El Atlántico, Colombia.
12 years building the present we want!
We are driven by the rescue of local knowledge and intergenerational equity to build cities and residential areas low in greenhouse gas emissions. Our initiatives span regions like the Orinoquía, Caribbean and Southern Pacific coastal regions of Colombia.

Climate Change
Through the mainstreaming of education, gender, governance and planning.

To strengthen, unite, create and/or support socio-environmental projects by sustainably managing land, guaranteeing civic involvement and protecting nature.

To promote gender inclusion through the recognition of often-overlooked voices, like those of women, children, indigenous people, Afro-Colombian people, people in rural areas and people from the LGBTI community.

To develop legal action as well as climate and territorial planning in order to formulate and implement effective actions for the adaptation to and mitigation of climate change in the country’s territories and cities.

To create campaigns, plans, programs and projects in the sphere of climate change, ecological restoration, green economy, deforestation control, water management, biodiversity conservation and environmental democracy, among others.
Mainstreaming gender equality in all of the initiatives that we create and/or support.

Strengthening projects through the use of innovative tools to achieve global change.

Using legal and political means to effectively influence and monitor projects, plans and campaigns in cities, urban areas and eco-regions.

Developing communal, cross-sector and cross-institutional interventions to approach potentialities and challenges in the environment.

Collaborating with other movements and/or organizations that work at the local, national and international level.
- We were accredited by UNEP for the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA).
- The Women for Climate Justice project was selected for the Paris Peace Forum.
- The Guardianes de Bocas de Cenizas project was selected for the Latinoamérica Verde awards.
- We attended the Latin American and Caribbean Climate Week.
- Barranquilla+20 participated in the #ArticuLAC Community of Practice Workshop in the Dominican Republic.
- We were invited by the Splicing Committee of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of the Colombian national government elected for 2022-2026.
- The “Women’s Summit for Climate Justice” was held for the first time in Colombia, organized by Barranquilla+20 in the framework of Generación Igualdad (Equality Generation), supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
- Conversation with youth advisors at an environmental education awareness event organized by the Global Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN) and GYBN Colombia.
- One Young World recognizes Barranquilla+20 as a high impact youth organization in its 2021 Impact Report.
- Barranquilla+20 participated in COP26 in Glasgow, UK.
- Xiomara Acevedo participated in New YorkTimes Climate Hub: “Reboot the Future: How Do We Move Faster, Together?” #COP26.
- Conversation on climate finance at COP26 with Xiomara Acevedo on “The Big Light” Podcast.
- 1st COP26 Simulation Model: 200 young people from Iberoamerica strengthened their knowledge and developed a regional route to COP26 and climate action.
- 40 participants of the “Climate Change Management in the Atlantic” course graduated, supported by Foro Costa.
- First edition of the “Cumbre Nacional de Jóvenes Por el Clima” (National Youth Climate Summit) at the Legislative Palace of the National Congress in Paraguay.
- We co-created the first Local Youth Conference in Colombia, contributing to the Global COY at COP26.
- IUCN – World Conservation Congress: one of our initiatives was selected at the World Youth Summit.
- Webinar – Glasgow Agreement in Latin America.
- We built a case study on the Jepirachi wind farm project and created our first podcast on Carbon Markets with the Sikuani community in Vichada, Colombia.
- Barranquilla+20 was featured as one of the most important youth initiatives in the Youth Solutions Report 2020! This is a flagship initiative headed by the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network.
- “Low Carbon Schools” was selected as one of the 100 youth-led initiatives that contribute to the advancement of renewable and alternative energy.
- We helped organize the Campamento Violeta: Liderazgos y Feminismos (Violet Camp: Leadership and Feminism) for women from Colombia and Venezuela. This was a virtual space to bring young women and social leaders together from a feminist perspective.
- Conference – Stop Ocean Plastic Pollution together with experts in marine life protection.
- Conference – Emergencia Climática en Colombia (Climate Emergency in Colombia) was organized by Barranquilla+20, Ambiente y Sociedad and Red Nacional Jóvenes de Ambiente.
- A regional initiative called ‘Atlántico for the SDGs’ was developed. It is framed on the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda.
- GFLAC in synergy with Barranquilla+20 presented the proposals of Latin American civil society on climate and sustainable financing.
- Annual Congress on Land Use Planning and Sustainable Management organized by the PAOTGTO with a presentation led by Xiomara Acevedo.
- Guardiands de Bocas de Ceniza began: our children and teenagers project supported by the Sustainable Ocean Alliance based on the magical encounter between the Magdalena River and the Caribbean Sea in Barranquilla, Colombia.
- We participated in ‘PIGCCT Nariño’, the most participatory climate plan in Colombia.
- We led the conversation on “Launching of the formulation of Pasto’s climate management model” to address the climate crisis from the Mayor’s Office of Pasto, organized by Barranquilla+20 or other entities.
- Barranquilla+20 took part in the COP25 in Madrid, Spain.
- We coordinated Proyecto YoGobierno (IGovern Project) along with the organizations: Cauca Adaptado y Resiliente and Verdes por Naturaleza.
- Barranquilla+20, ACT, Greenpeace, Fundación Natura and Alisos joined “Dejusticia” (Of Justice) to campaign for changes to the annual deforestation target in Colombia.
- Xiomara Acevedo joins the Global Youth Network for Biodiversity in Colombia as a the planning group member!
- Protest for the Amazon in Barranquilla and Nariño.
- We attended the Next Generation event where the British Council presented its research to 100 young country leaders.
- Barranquilla+20 and 350.Org America organized “Únete por el Clima” (Unite for Climate) on the Global Day of Action for Climate Justice as part of Rise for Climate to build a world free from fossil fuels in the city of Barranquilla.
- Under the slogan “Change your mind, not the climate”, together with the MSJ collective from Puerto Colombia, we carried out an intervention on the Malecón Avenida del Río in Barranquilla.
- We attented the International Youth Summit #NariñoPorElCLima in commemoration of the World Environment Day.
- We coordinated the regional initiative for the Latinamerican and Caribbean Youth Parliament for Water. It was part of our contribution to the conservation and defense of this vital resource.
- We were part of the coordinating committee of The Young Americas Forum supporting the national youth dialogue towards the path to the Organization of the American States (OAS).
- We represented Barranquilla at One Young World Bogotá.
- SDG6 Webinar: El Momento es Ah2Ora (The Time is Now): we shared our experience with the Latin American and Caribbean Youth Parliament for Water.
- Conference – Impacts World: We were part of a panel about the SDGs, intergenerational justice and the representation of future generations.
- We were recognized as Youth Service America’s “Everyday Young Hero” by YSA – Youth Changing the World.
- B+20 was a partner in the Youth Assembly, Habitat III in Quito.
- Diálogo Nacional de la Juventud (National Youth Dialogue): path to the 46th General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS) at Universidad del Norte.
- We attended the World Humanitarian Summit in Istanbul to witness their phase for coordinated international action.
- We organized Encuentros Locales de la Juventud (Local Youth Meetings) with special coverage from Vokaribe.Net.
- We took part in the COP13 Mexico: elevating the voices of young people for the conservation of biodiversity.
- We became part of the TUNZA family (Environmental network for the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) for Young People and Children)
- Youth Involvement in water and climate change workshop at COY11.
- UNESCO Global Youth Forum in Paris.
- Conference – COBRA project led by the Institute for Environmental Security, which provided training to indigenous communities in the five countries of the Guiana Shield. It took place at the EU economic and social council in Brussels, Belgium.
- We were interviewed by the leader of the project World COP21, which seeks to design local solutions for the environment and entrepreneurship.
- We participated in La Conferencia de Reducción del Riesgo y Cambio Climático (Conference for the Reduction of Risk and Climate Change).
- The magazine ‘Hey’ from the El Heraldo newspaper showcased our work.
- We represented Barranquilla at COP21, standing up for intergenerational responsibility, adaptation and climate justice.
- We visited one of Greenpeace’s ships.
- EcoCarnival at Mallorquín Swamp in La Playa township in Barranquilla.
- Forum of Youth Voices and the Environment for a Barranquilla Adapted to Climate Change.
- We won the Premio Nacional de Voluntariado Juvenil (National Prize for Youth Volunteering) in the Environment and Habitat category.
- We appeared in La Libertad newspaper for highlighting the work of young leaders from Barranquilla.
- We attended the Rio+20 High-Level Dialogues in Bogota.
- We participated in the Youth Roundtable at the Congreso Nacional de Áreas Protegidas (National Congress of Protected Areas).
- We organized “Barranquilla actúa por el clima” (Barranquilla Acts for the Climate).
- We were showcased as the city’s Eco-entrepreneurs by the ‘Hey’ magazine in El Heraldo newspaper.
- Mallorquín VIVE Water School was a Bayer Young Community Innovators finalists.
- ● Christmas Day – Mallorquín VIVE at the Environment Classrooms of La Playa township.
- Cleanup day in the Mallorquín Swamp organized in partnership with Conciencia Ecológica.
- Regional Climate Change Workshop – CliMates.
- B+20 represented Colombia at the Latin America and Caribbean Regional Meetup for young people organized by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in Panama.
- We organized the Youth Participation Forum at Universidad del Norte.
- We appeared at the Budapest Water Summit as part of the youth forum.
- We were recognized in PAVCO’s Juventud Protectora del Agua (Youth Protector of Water) competition for our project Mallorquín VIVE – Finalists in Bogotá.
- Foro Joven+Agua (Youth+Water Forum) as part of the closing ceremony for the international year of water cooperation in Mexico.
- Workshop with children from the La Playa township as part of the Mallorquín VIVE project.
- Barranquilla+20 is founded.
- We participated in the People’s Summit: Rio+20.
- We participated in an event for Global Environment Day at the Universidad del Norte, Colombia
- Environmental Culture and Education Forum II – Planeación Urbana y Medio Ambiente” (Urban Planning and the Environment).
- National Volunteering Forum organized by Universidad del Rosario, CESA.