The organizations Cauca Adaptado y Resiliente, Barranquilla+20 and Verdes por Naturaleza, joining their efforts, have consolidated the YoGobierno (IGovern) initiative whose objective is “to train members of the community of Comuna II and the city of Popayán, Colombia forming a group of 50 people in Open Government and environmental democracy in a dynamic and pedagogical way based on innovative methodologies of collective construction in which the citizen is trained in OG and its pillars as an effective tool for improving the exercise of citizen oversight and social control”. This will be implemented from January this year thanks to the recognition granted by the Ministry of Interior of Colombia.

National Youth Dialogue: Towards the 46th OAS General Assembly at the Universidad del Norte
In articulation with the Latin American Youth Network for Democracy – JUVENTUD LAC, we organized a national dialogue at Universidad del Norte in order to learn the perspectives of youth on issues of democracy, governance, peace, environment, among others. All the discussed was consolidated for the road to the next OAS General Assembly.

For more than 10 years, we have dedicated ourselves to building and working hand in hand with the communities for the protection of our ecosystems.