Carbon Markets Project

Global Greengrants Fund awarded Barranquilla+20 a grant that aims to strengthen capacities, provide information, organize dialogue scenarios, research and create tools on carbon markets in Colombia, taking into account the participation and support of Indigenous and Afro-colombian populations. We want to strengthen the knowledge of people from the territories of the Orinoco region, focusing on people from the department of Vichada and thus, have the opportunity to represent our country in national and international scenarios.

Climate Emergency at the Mallorquín Swamp

Over the past years, we have worked to defend the Ciénaga de Mallorquín, the fifth-largest wetland in Colombia and home to 146 bird species. Its biological wealth is in danger due to the local contamination. The National Radio of Colombia invited us to talk about its environmental impacts. An interview by José David Oquendo Guerrero, with special guests Hector Cabarcas and Nancy Sanchez. In addition, Melissa Obregón Lebolo, who is a member of the Women for Climate Justice network in Colombia, and Sheryn Yidi, Barranquilla+20’s Communications Coordinator also participated in the podcast.

Barranquilla+20 on National Radio

It’s Time to Act: Women's Summit for Climate Justice

The first meeting of feminist and environmental women for the “Cumbre de Mujeres por la Justicia Climática” (Women’s Summit for Climate Justice) was organized by Barranquilla+20 in the framework of Equality Generation. It developed different national advocacy strategies for gender justice and climate justice. The meeting took place in the city of Bogotá, Colombia and also included an online transmission via streaming. Women from departments such as Atlántico, Nariño, Norte de Santander, Cauca, La Guajira, Caldas, Guainía, Antioquia, Chocó, Huila, Cundinamarca, among others, participated.

Women for Climate Justice on Uninorte FM Estéreo Radio

Learn more about our executive director, Xiomara Acevedo, and the projects that have been carried out by Barranquilla+20

Xiomara Acevedo spoke on a national radio station of Colombia about the importance of conservation of ecosystems and biodiversity in the department of Atlántico. In addition, she talked about Barranquilla+20’s ongoing work and notable projects such as “Guardianes de Bocas de Cenizas”, “MallorquínVive” and “Atlántico por los ODS”.

Xiomara Acevedo on National Radio
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