Barranquilla+20 is a youth-led NGO based in the city of Barranquilla, Colombia and legally registered in the country. We have organized initiatives since 2012 working in the strategic lines of climate change, biodiversity and water, and the mainstreaming lines of education, empowerment, governance and planning. We are driven by the rescue of local knowledge and intergenerational equity to build cities and residential areas low in greenhouse gas emissions. Our initiatives span regions like the Orinoquía, Caribbean and Southern Pacific coastal regions of Colombia. Our experience has been reflected in our support for the youth management to effectively contribute to global, national and local level environmental policies. Our impact has been evaluated by the global youth organization ‘One Young World’ in the 2017 and 2021 One Young World Impact Report.

We are an interdisciplinary team. Our members come from diverse areas such as law, international relations, graphic design, forestry engineering, international business, journalism, anthropology, environmental engineering, among others.
Esneyder Ramos Arango
Danilo Ponare
Laura Acevedo
Andrés Rodríguez
Angélica Beltrán
Dora Tafur
Breyner Padilla
Jhon Cortés
Nathalia Maya Benavides
Sofía Acevedo
Carmen Bravo
Laura Tamia Ortiz
Josué Paz Gómez
Samuel Alejandro Rodríguez Beltran
Jeraldin Rojas Pialejo
Jandy A. Leguízamo
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